For the new year, Spirit is asking us to open our connection to the God of Our Heart. By doing this, we can speak up about things that REALLY MATTER. Spirit showed me a stitched up mouth as a symbol of what needs to be healed this year. We need to listen , open our hearts and minds and trust our intuition and wisdom.
In the new year, we are being asked to continually make decisions that are based on service and sacredness. Are we staying focussed on our path and purpose or being hijacked by self – sabotaging doubt? We need to check with our METAL DETECTOR minds , intending beliefs that contain value, grace and peace..

As in Janis Joplin’s song ” take another little piece of my heart” , we are here to help each other stitch back our hearts into ONE heart of compassion. Take heart, dear ones.
For 2023 , Spirit is asking us to release our Road Runner/ Chicken Little energy, and stand together in our communities planting FERTILE gardens of PEACE.
A time to keep silent and a time to speak , a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace. Ecclesiastes3: 1-8 Lamsa
..Within the circles of our lives we dance the circle of the years, the circles of the seasons.. Hands join, unjoin in love and fear, grief and joy. ..Wendell Berry