Latest News and Events
Seeking Replenishment
Allowing your self to come back to your Self is the goal.
Clarity and Confidence on our 2025 Path
we are being asked to let go of old heavyhearted baggage.
Tender and True
we are all in a state of expansion . Our loving hearts are being upgraded.
The Snowstorm
Stay on the authentic path by staying focused . Self – sabotage and doubt are only distractions.
An Astonishing Christmas Story
I love to share this story of my grandparents…
What is Fueling our Journey ?
We need to see our way forward -free of debris and doubt!!!!
Dawn of a New Era
dawn of a new year and era
Healing Touch Special
For the month of December and January I am offering a discount of $15 off on Healing Touch sessions for a total of $110.
Shifting Out of Our Wallpaper Dimension
We have so much to share with each other. So many gifts.
Inner Worth Has no Room for Gloominess
the land is helping us stay present and grounded.
Remembering Our True Home
There is no place like home.
Removing Our Straightjackets For Goodness Sake
shedding our skins
Will We Accept the Challenge?
Spirit is asking us to do some things differently. To step up to the plate, so to speak.
Fathomless Support
we can hardly fathom the fathomless support we have all around us.
Filling Up our Emptiness
The holes of hurt are being filled with the wholeness of truth.
Reflecting Our Beauty
Taking time to be balanced
Lightening Up
Knowing we are light beings
So Far Yet so Close
I am grateful for the lessons of traveling.
Deep Peace Psychic Sessions
Over the years, I have learned to let go of my agenda.
June’s Message
June is inviting us to completely shed our unworthiness and remember our part in the whole.
Sit still and be steadfast
The images and words for the family reading are very clear and strong and the work of the Angels and Ancestors is being integrated….. I could feel the energy shifts within my body. I know we individually and collectively received a healing. Thank you, Lucia!
I listened to the reading again and it so reflects my dark night of the soul and healing that occurred last week. So much resonates words, phrases, and images. I am deeply grateful.