Spirit is saying that overall , listen to your heart and get to the heart of the matter of whatever is bothering or holding you down. Where in your body are you feeling hard done by?
“There is no distance in the heart of God.
There is no separation….
When I am most afraid, I am still protected.
All events, however painful, move toward the good.”
Julia Cameron ” Heart Steps”
The challenge in letting go is to listen to your heart, be clear about what you want to let go and have compassion for your self in the process. Who is perfect? I am calling this process Unwrapping the Heart.
Meditation, exercise, spending time alone and outside e are essential components to put the pieces of the puzzle together.

Now join your hands and with your hands your hearts.
William Shakespeare

How do you allow your self to let go and have the courage to make the changes? Spirit showed me an image of standing squarely a safe distance from a huge wave; assuring your body that you will take care of it and keep it safe. You are courageously facing the changes; you are transforming !!!!!!
In the picture on the left , you are not caught in the web, you are creating the web- here are words from Chief Seattle-
This we know: All things are connected
Like the blood that unites one family.
All things are connected.
Whatever befalls the earth
Befalls the people of the earth.
People did not weave the web of life.
We are merely a strand of it.
Whatever we do to the web
We do to ourselves.