Lucia Brodie

Illuminating Deep Peace

Lucia Brodie

Honouring the Truth

radiating divine wisdom and light
Expanding Our Clarity and Compassion
Expansion of our light, clarity and compassion ...
here is patience

Spirit wants us to expand and show our beautiful  light during these chaotic,  unsettling times. How do we show our light when there is doubt, confusion and fear all around ?

First we must  nurture patience in our daily lives , letting go of any pretending. We can intend to be   comfortable with our selves as we are now.  We can acknowledge our cluttered minds and let go of dusty, cumbersome belief systems.

Secondly, Spirit wants us to communicate  with the big picture in mind.  We must not take everything personally! Like a pointillist painting made up of thousands of tiny dots, we are a valuable  part of the whole. Sometimes we need to step back to see the whole picture!!  We can intend to be  heard , seen and valued- and to do the same for others. 

part of the whole
going out in nature self care
porcupine message

Spirit wants us to groom and bloom!

We do this by going out in nature, listening to our bodies, looking for joy and playfulness, and  taking time for meditation and prayer.   All of these practices are essential to our well being.  When we  communicate with presence  and are in alignment with  our Guidance, our light is strong. Above all, we must trust. 

One of my favorite runes, “defense”, advises us to ‘not act needy ,or push for outcomes, merely to  set our houses in order and wait on the will of God.’ ( Book of Runes, Commentary by Ralph H. Blum) ‘No rush, no hurry’, as my teacher Nancy Rebecca would say. 

In my meditation for this post, porcupine showed up, reminding us to feed our playful nature. Can we stop ourselves from going  down the rabbit hole of despair and doubt?

” Open your hearts to those things that gave you joy as a child. ”  Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams and David Werneke

I have noticed since my reading that I am feeling grounded with a more balanced perspective on things. Thank you, Lucia. N.U. 

You achieve nothing without the aid of the Great Spirit. Be humble enough to ask for assistance and grateful for what you receive. Medicine Cards: Jamie Sams and David Carson