Lucia Brodie

Illuminating Deep Peace

Lucia Brodie

Honouring the Truth

Four Loving Ways to Stay Nourished in November
Spirit wants us to allow more for time for space , silence and compassion.
cleaning up the trash

1.Clean up  the trash ! What unloving messages are you listening to ? Clearing out the physical and internal spaces  raises our vibration and ability to hear the loving messages of support, as well as healing Mother Earth.

2. Keep focussing  on  nourishing your  intentions –give yourself credit! Spirit wants us to ground deeply with the compass of compassion.  Who is perfect?

our inner compass of compassion
aligned with the god of your heart
silence helps us come back to ourselves

3. Cast out the ‘outcast ‘ energy! See your self as you truly are, a bright spirit and beacon; aligned with the God of your Heart. A regular meditation practice is highly helpful and illuminating. 

4. Give your self space! When you make room for silence and stillness, it allows you  to hear more clearly  the messages of love,  support and wisdom .

Try, as best as you can, not to let the wire brush of doubt scrape from your heart all sense of yourself and your hesitant light. Earth Prayers

I am so grateful to you for clearing the unwanted stuck energy around my heart. I feel so peaceful now… without that scratchy fear and defensiveness. A. M.