Lucia Brodie

Illuminating Deep Peace

Lucia Brodie

Honouring the Truth

Harbour No Grudges
Having a heart that harbours no grudges..
harbour no grudges in my heart .. listen to it

In a recent meditation with a group Spirit advised me to ‘harbour no grudges.’ I had been  deciding who to let into my heart based on petty judgments and distrustful limiting beliefs. I need to regularly check in and listen to what my heart and soul need for my spritual growth. 

Spirit is reminding me to also regularly look at priorities for my life path and purpose. Throughout the day I can ask what is most important .. what do I need to focus on ? Self care including self love. What is my Wisdom advising? Stop, look and listen to what is the priority of the present time.

I included Janis Joplin’s iconic and soulful ‘Take another little piece of my heart.”

harbour no grudges and  priority
hanging upside down bat harbour no grudges

At this time of transformation, it sometimes feels like I am hanging in suspension, waiting for illumination.  I am intending  for tenderness  to guide my heart, releasing anything that shrouds my light. As the Animal Medicine book says:

“Hanging upside down is a symbol for learning to transpose your former self into a newborn being… rebirthing some part of yourself or the letting go  ( death )  of old patterns. “

Heartfelt appreciation for whatever it is you are experiencing in this time of deep transformation!!! Here is to a safe harbour for your beautiful heart.

‘Let go of judgments about  yourself or others and speak your truth with love.’ Ascended Master card , Amaterasu. Doreen Virtue. 

May all the powers grant me peace!!!  Atharva Veda XIX