There is no time like the present…

Like the clock on the left, our lives just keep ticking along!!! Spirit wants us to release old beliefs that are holding us hostage from our true shining selves. For the fall months, I am offering a past life reading at a reduced rate of $95- a saving of $25. The reading takes about an hour and includes a spiritual look at your auric field followed by two past lives that reflect what challenges you are now facing. Spirit will reveal why these particular lives are coming up, with the intention of releasing outdated energy. The intention is to bring you more fully into the present, on your path with clarity and strength.
Lucia did a fantastic past life reading for me, illuminating how I am increasing my trust and self love- showing my true face to others. D. V.
Your body tells you whether you are living from your soul or the labyrinths of your negativity. John O’ Donohue