Lucia Brodie

Illuminating Deep Peace

Lucia Brodie

Honouring the Truth

Take Your Beautiful Self off the Hook
Spirit wants us to unhook ourselves from messages of self-sabotage, or as the spiritual teacher Pema Chodren says, 'to drop the story line. '
letting go

The message is simple and clear. Spirit is reminding us that unhooking ourselves from remorse, regret and shame will lighten our load and illuminate our path. 

How can we do this? We can practice listening to our Higher Selves, instead of the background voices of self- sabotage, which can obstruct  and cloud our vision. Daily meditation, self- care including asking for help, can give us a spiritual, neutral perspective.

News flash! The day after I wrote this, I was guided to listen to DailyOM  and Pema Chodren‘s messages of ‘Getting Unstuck.‘ She talks about not feeding the spark of  self – denigration, or whatever storyline that is unhelpful , before it becomes a wildfire. She encourages a daily meditation practice to feed our  ‘innate goodness.’ 

be still
july coffee and self care

We can not help others if we secretly believe we are less than worthy. Regularly, we can tune in and ask for guidance , intending to  listen and hear deeply. A daily reminder that we are enough; we are magnificent; we are supported and loved is essential. Like a good cup of coffee!!!

Moving forward on our path and purpose is possible with spiritual perspective that helps us lighten up and let go.

If we surrender to ourselves- begin to drop the storyline… we begin to find the tenderness that is underneath all the harshness. Pema Chodren

We can use everything that happens to us as a means for waking up. Pema Chodren