Lucia Brodie

Illuminating Deep Peace

Lucia Brodie

Honouring the Truth

Three Steps to Breaking the Sound Barrier
We are Spiritual Warriors.... how can we clear away old barriers?
past lives

Step one:

Spirit wants us to connect our hearts to the centre of the earth, to bulldoze deep down and connect with Mother Earth, unearthing our ancient connections to Divine Wisdom. 

Step two:

Clear away the drones of despair , disappointment and discouragement that are in the background of your sound. They are NOT  connected to the Divine and are distracting you from your Warrior Self.

step two of breaking the sound barriersting ourselfves
step three breaking the sound barriers

Step three

Unlike the song by David Bowie ” Ground Control to Major Tom”  we intend to deeply  ground to our Higher Self and pilot our lives with help on the ‘runway of life” from the Ascended Beings, our guides and our ancestors. When we are grounded, we have power and perspective , like the mighty eagle. We remember we are never alone. 

We are all bright lights on this journey. We are all warriors. Pilot your plane with confidence, breaking the sound barriers of outdated beliefs. Deep peace to you!!!

“You will find the answers within yourself , not in outside advice.” The Warrior, Tiw, the Sky God.  The Book of Runes

Please call me by my true names, so I can wake up, and so the door of my heart can be left open, the door of compassion. Thich Nhat Hanh