Latest News and Events
Listening to our Hearts
February Heart Healing
Healing of the Heart Chakra Reading
An opportunity to augment your heart’s integrity and truth
Growing in our Strength and Determination
We can stand tall, unperturbed by unhelpful, distracting influences.
Be the Sheriff of Your Life
Spirit is asking us to own our lives
Double the Healing
This is a unique and beautiful offer for gentle and deep healing.
We Are Not Apart
We are Never Apart or Abandoned
2024 Expect To Expand
2024 – We can make a leap into the unknown, expanding into the best possible and impossible versions of ourselves!
Growing in Light and Certainty
We are being nourished in the light…
Synchronizing Our World Hearts
Spirit's message from August and Beyond still seems appropriate. We can help heal each other at this crucial time, speaking our truth and helping others wherever we can. Deep Peace to you. I choose the longer view of wisdom over the more short-lived satisfaction of...
November – Stay the Course
We may feel lost in the crowds and confusion but we must persevere and stay the course.
From Misgivings to Massgivings
Allow ourselves to Shine
Owning Our October
October is a time to gather and collect our inner wisdom .
Cleansing Clinic Testimonial
Thank you so much…
Summer Stillness
What do a roadrunner and summer stillness have in common?
Harbour No Grudges
Having a heart that harbours no grudges..
Clear seeing of our Path and Purpose
During these turbulent times , it is always great to receive clear guidance for our path
Healing Messages for Spring
What does a bird in a cage have to do with our self healing this spring?
Focus on What is Important
Each day can bring ups and downs and we can get mired in the muck of our thoughts..
A is for ….
A is for alignment, April and amazing
Do the thing you think you cannot do !!!
The early bird catches the worm …
Are you feeling hard done by? Stuck and down a rabbit hole?
Spirit’s message for early 2021”’
The images and words for the family reading are very clear and strong and the work of the Angels and Ancestors is being integrated….. I could feel the energy shifts within my body. I know we individually and collectively received a healing. Thank you, Lucia!
I listened to the reading again and it so reflects my dark night of the soul and healing that occurred last week. So much resonates words, phrases, and images. I am deeply grateful.